Castorino Quoted in Accounting Marketing Magazine
Shelly Castorino, director, marketing and business development at Wouch Maloney CPAs and Business Advisors, was quoted in the Winter 2020 edition of Growth Strategies magazine, published by the The Journal of Accounting Marketing and Sales and the Association of Accounting Marketing. Shelly shared insight and commentary in response to “Making the Most of Your Website During COVID-19.” At the beginning of the pandemic, Shelly led the process of hiring a team to design and develop a new website for Wouch Maloney.
Website Goals
The goals for a new website included hiring Mediaboom to design and develop a sleek and modern website. The new site would need to showcase the professional services provided by our firm and highlight the industries served in a youthful, intelligent, and confident style. It was also paramount for the new website to be optimized for lead generation as well as increase organic traffic, and rank higher in search results.
Extensive SEO work was conducted by the team at Mediaboom, which also included keyword research, website ranking analysis, inbound link analysis, on and off-site SEO implementation and conversion point optimization.
Launch of New Website
The new Wouch Maloney website was launched on September 1, 2020.
To read the entire article, please click on the below link or download a copy.
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